Best Results

81% of consumers search online before buying either a product or service. That is why it is so important to have the best website, top search engine placement and other forms of advertising for attracting new business.

Whatever your business, there are usually options for improvements you have not considered. Fresh thinking and new ideas can easily double your efficiency and profits. Without knowing all possible choices (and their evaluation) you cannot tie sure you are making the best decisions.

Most small businesses are run at 20% to 30% of their true potential. They stagnate or grow at a reduced pace. This is because the owner does not know all the different ways of attracting new business, and makes more guesstimates of what to do, than actually knowing what’s right.

Many companies in product and service industries need credibility, reputation and recommendations to get new customers. Especially those in destination locations (ie: ones people travel specially to, rather than High st locations which have passing trade).

Although Marketing spans many areas, one of the most prominent and recognisable ones is Marketing Communications – otherwise known as promotion.

To be the most effective at promoting your business, it is vital that a good understanding of it comes first. This helps to determine the best ways to reach and convince new customers to use you.

Without that understanding the wrong people with the wrong message can be reached and anything done on the promotional front will either be weak or ineffective.

That is why, before any promotional plan and execution is put into effect, there is a discussion with you to understand what you are doing now, and how it can be improved.

Areas like Branding, web site design (66% of small businesses now have a website), Copywriting, Graphic Design, Social media presence, Search engine Promotion and Analytics (and a host more activities) all determine how you are seen by your prospective customers and how they are influenced in choosing you rather than anyone else in the same business.

If you already have all this, improvements may be suggested (and why these are being put forward) and additional ideas to enhance your position.

New ideas you may not have thought of, or alternative suggestions may be made to ensure you get the best results for any investment you make.

Email me in the first instance with your requirements, being as detailed as you can. If you have a website, a link to it please and I’ll respond as quickly as I can.

philipcatt@greatcontacts.bizI’ll then quote you for either:

  1. Website construction or improvements of your correct one. This can be anything from it being professionally copywritten and custom illustrated (Can increase sales by up to 50%) to a complete revamp. Send us requirements and/or a link, and we’ll give you professional input and advice (free).

2. Co-ordinating promotion(s) – incl search engine positioning


3. Branding


4. Sales Promotions to achieve specific things such as trying your  services or product out or referrals.

Some consultancy  is normally included when I respond to a brief. This is to determine the best strategy any one particular aspect will involve . Doing this by email is best as you have a record of everything that has been discussed, recommended, what to expect, what is and is not included, timescales, pricing and anything else.

A meeting isn’t usually necessary as small business requirements tend to be straightforward – however if there are any more involved issues where a meeting is more appropriate, I will call you, so always leave me a mobile number as well as an email address and a link to your website if you have one.